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Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

download Marine Sharpshooter 3 Gratis

Game genre FPS or Modern First-Person Shooter is perfect for those who love this game shots . Marine Sharpshooter 3 gives players the chance to step into the shoes of a United States Marine Corps Sniper/Spotter team. The latest incarnation of the MS allows players the ability to play as both the sniper and the spotter . Use stealth, precision strikes and deadly accuracy to cut out key targets in the ongoing fight against terrorism and international security . Marine Sharpshooter 3 Free Full Version Pc Game Download


Marine Sharpshooters 3 gameplay inclusive both sniping and close quarters battle . The games ecology change from the caves and mini villages of Afghanistan, to snowy cliffs and rooftops of chechnya , to sandy beaches and jungles of Pacific island. Interaction between player and environment is minimal . To included new part to this gameplay , such as guides for specific levels or characters, simply click on the “Add New Section” link in the gameplay contents sidebar. Once you create the new section you’ll be able to edit it just as you can this one . Marine Sharpshooter 3 Free Full Version Pc Game Download
Marine Sharpshooter 3 is a first person shooter Pc game that Shout players in truth battle situations. The game features 16 separated weapons options, including the M14 Sopmod rifle, and is rated appropriate for mature listeners . Marine Sharpshooter 3 also includes stealth tactics for a deeper playing experience and a vast virtual playing area. Enable CheatsIn “Marine Sharpshooter 3 cheats can be enabled using the console window during game play .

Marine Sharpshooter 3 Free Full Version Pc Game Download



CPU : Pentium 4 or AMD 2GHz Processor
DirectX compatible Sound Card
Hard Disk Space : 1.5GB
OS : Windows 2000/XP
4X CD-ROM Drive
RAM : 256MB
DirectX 9.0c


Marine Sharpshooter 3 ini merupakan game first person shooter yang dimana kita harus menyelesaikan misi yang cukup sulit dan sangat menarik dengan grafik yang bagus juga.
Saya sendiri sampai sekarang ini baru menyelesaikan 2 misi yang dimana di setiap misi memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang berbeda dan perlu diketahui bahwa pada game ini kita harus irit peluru agar tidak kehabisan dan menjadi susah menyelesaikan misi.
Game marine sharpshooter 3 yang haramain software bagikan ini kapasitasnya juga hanya 255 Mb karena sudah di Rip, namun setelah diinstall akan terlihat kapasitas aslinya yaitu 978 Mb.

Screenshot :

Cara Install :
  1. Download part 1 dan part 2, kemudian taruh dalam 1 folder yang sama
  2. Extract Part 1, maka otomatis part 2 juga akan ikut terextract
  3. Jalankan Marine Sharpshooter 3 (Sniper).exe
  4. Kemudian klik Next dan klik Next lagi dan klik next lagi
  5. Kemudian klik install
  6. Setelah itu tunggu sebentar dan klik finish dan tunggu sampai proses extract menggunakan UHARC selesai
  7. Ketika keluar tulisan Registry Setup Completed Klik ok
  8. Ketika ada perintah Press any key to continue cukup tekan spasi saja
  9. Selesai dan Selamat bermain.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga terhibur.

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